10 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 10 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
10 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 10 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
10 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 10 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
11 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 11 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
11 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 11 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
11 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 11 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
12 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 12 A is in the last row of the plane and seats in the last row of this plane often feel cramped. |
12 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 12 C has extra legroom due to the missing seat in front. However this seat is in the last row of the plane, and seats in this row often feel very cramped. |
12 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 12 D is in the last row of the plane and seats in the last row of this plane often feel cramped. |
12 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 12 F is in the last row of the plane and seats in the last row of this plane often feel cramped. |
2 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 2 A has some extra legroom due to the Exit Row in front. However the exit door may protrude and restrict leg space. The front of the plane is particularly noisy due to the proximity of the propellers. The aisle side armrest is moveable, which can provide some extra width for this seat. |
2 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 2 D can have some extra legroom. The tray tables are stored by the flight attendant and attach onto the armrests. While this may be bothersome, it allows for the armrests to be moved upwards for more space. |
2 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 2 F is a standard Economy Class seat. The tray tables are stored by the flight attendant and attach onto the armrests. While this may be bothersome, it allows for the armrests to be moved upwards for more space. On some versions of this aircraft there is a flight attendant jump seat located opposite of this seat, which may be bothersome. |
3 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 3 A is a standard Economy Class seat, however this row is missing a window. |
3 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 3 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
3 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 3 F is a standard Economy Class seat, however this row is missing a window. |
4 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 4 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
4 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 4 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
4 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 4 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
5 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 5 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
5 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 5 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
5 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 5 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
6 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 6 A is a standard Economy Class seat that has limited recline due to the Exit Row behind. |
6 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 6 D is a standard Economy Class seat that has limited recline due to the Exit Row behind. |
6 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 6 F is a standard Economy Class seat that has limited recline due to the Exit Row behind. |
7 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 7 A has extra legroom due to the Exit Row in front. |
7 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 7 D has extra legroom due to the Exit Row in front. |
7 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 7 F has extra legroom due to the Exit Row in front. |
8 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 8 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
8 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 8 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
8 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 8 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
9 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 9 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
9 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 9 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
9 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 9 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
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