1 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 1 A is a standard Business Class seat that may be more private since it is positioned further forward than the passenger across the aisle in 1D. |
1 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 1 D is a standard Business Class seat. |
1 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 1 G is a standard Business Class seat whose proximity to the lavatory may be bothersome. |
10 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 10 A is a standard Business Class seat. |
10 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 10 D is a standard Business Class seat. |
10 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 10 G is a standard Business Class seat. |
10 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 10 K is a standard Business Class seat. |
11 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 11 A is a standard Business Class seat. |
15 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 15 A is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
15 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 15 C is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
15 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 15 D is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
15 E |
None |
No Power |
Seat 15 E is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
15 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 15 F is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
15 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 15 G is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
15 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 15 H is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
15 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 15 K is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
16 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 16 A is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. |
16 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 16 C is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. |
16 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 16 D is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. |
16 E |
None |
No Power |
Seat 16 E is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. |
16 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 16 F is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. |
16 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 16 G is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. |
16 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 16 H is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. |
16 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 16 K is a standard Premium Economy Class seat. |
17 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 17 A is a standard Premium Economy Class seat that has limited recline. The proximity to the lavatories and galley may be bothersome. |
17 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 17 C is a standard Premium Economy Class seat that has limited recline. The proximity to the lavatories and galley may be bothersome. |
17 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 17 D is a standard Premium Economy Class seat that has limited recline. The proximity to the lavatories and galley may be bothersome. |
17 E |
None |
No Power |
Seat 17 E is a standard Premium Economy Class seat that has limited recline. The proximity to the lavatories and galley may be bothersome. |
17 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 17 F is a standard Premium Economy Class seat that has limited recline. The proximity to the lavatories and galley may be bothersome. |
17 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 17 G is a standard Premium Economy Class seat that has limited recline. The proximity to the lavatories, galley and self service pantry may be bothersome. |
17 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 17 H is a standard Premium Economy Class seat that has limited recline. The proximity to the lavatories, galley and self service pantry may be bothersome. |
17 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 17 K is a standard Premium Economy Class seat that has limited recline. The proximity to the lavatories, galley and self service pantry may be bothersome. |
2 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 2 A is a standard Business Class seat. |
2 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 2 D is a standard Business Class seat. |
2 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 2 G is a standard Business Class seat. |
2 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 2 K is a standard Business Class seat whose proximity to the lavatory may be bothersome. |
20 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 20 H is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. The proximity to the lavatory and galley may be bothersome. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
20 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 20 J is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. The proximity to the lavatory and galley may be bothersome. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
20 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 20 K is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. The proximity to the lavatory and galley may be bothersome. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
21 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 21 A is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. The proximity to the lavatory and galley may be bothersome. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
21 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 21 B is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. The proximity to the lavatory and galley may be bothersome. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
21 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 21 C is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. The proximity to the lavatory and galley may be bothersome. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
21 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 21 D is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. The proximity to the lavatory and galley may be bothersome. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
21 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 21 F is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. The proximity to the lavatory and galley may be bothersome. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
21 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 21 G is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. The proximity to the lavatory and galley may be bothersome. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
21 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 21 H is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
21 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 21 J is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
21 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 21 K is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
22 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 22 A is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
22 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 22 B is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
22 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 22 C is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
22 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 22 D is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
22 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 22 F is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
22 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 22 G is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
22 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 22 H is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
22 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 22 J is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
22 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 22 K is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
23 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 23 A is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
23 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 23 B is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
23 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 23 C is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
23 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 23 D is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
23 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 23 F is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
23 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 23 G is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
23 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 23 H is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
23 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 23 J is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
23 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 23 K is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
24 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 24 A is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
24 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 24 B is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
24 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 24 C is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
24 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 24 D is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
24 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 24 F is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
24 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 24 G is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
24 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 24 H is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
24 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 24 J is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
24 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 24 K is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
25 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 25 D is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
25 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 25 F is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
25 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 25 G is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. |
26 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 26 A is a standard Economy X Class seat that is missing a window and has additional legroom. The Exit Door protrusion may be bothersome. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
26 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 26 B is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
26 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 26 C is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
26 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 26 D is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
26 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 26 F is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
26 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 26 G is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
26 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 26 H is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
26 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 26 J is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
26 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 26 K is a standard Economy X Class seat that is missing a window and has additional legroom. The Exit Door protrusion may be bothersome. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
27 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 27 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
27 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 27 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
27 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 27 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
27 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 27 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
27 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 27 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
27 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 27 G is a standard Economy Class seat. |
27 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 27 H is a standard Economy Class seat. |
27 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 27 J is a standard Economy Class seat. |
27 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 27 K is a standard Economy Class seat. |
28 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 28 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
28 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 28 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
28 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 28 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
28 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 28 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
28 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 28 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
28 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 28 G is a standard Economy Class seat. |
28 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 28 H is a standard Economy Class seat. |
28 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 28 J is a standard Economy Class seat. |
28 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 28 K is a standard Economy Class seat. |
29 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 29 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
29 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 29 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
29 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 29 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
29 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 29 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
29 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 29 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
29 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 29 G is a standard Economy Class seat. |
29 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 29 H is a standard Economy Class seat. |
29 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 29 J is a standard Economy Class seat. |
29 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 29 K is a standard Economy Class seat. |
3 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 3 A is a standard Business Class seat. |
3 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 3 D is a standard Business Class seat. |
3 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 3 G is a standard Business Class seat. |
3 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 3 K is a standard Business Class seat. |
30 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 30 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
30 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 30 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
30 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 30 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
30 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 30 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
30 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 30 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
30 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 30 G is a standard Economy Class seat. |
30 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 30 H is a standard Economy Class seat. |
30 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 30 J is a standard Economy Class seat. |
30 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 30 K is a standard Economy Class seat. |
31 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 31 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
31 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 31 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
31 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 31 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
31 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 31 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
31 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 31 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
31 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 31 G is a standard Economy Class seat. |
31 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 31 H is a standard Economy Class seat. |
31 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 31 J is a standard Economy Class seat. |
31 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 31 K is a standard Economy Class seat. |
32 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 32 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
32 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 32 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
32 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 32 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
32 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 32 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
32 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 32 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
32 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 32 G is a standard Economy Class seat. |
32 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 32 H is a standard Economy Class seat. |
32 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 32 J is a standard Economy Class seat. |
32 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 32 K is a standard Economy Class seat. |
33 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 33 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
33 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 33 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
33 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 33 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
33 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 33 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
33 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 33 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
33 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 33 G is a standard Economy Class seat. |
33 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 33 H is a standard Economy Class seat. |
33 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 33 J is a standard Economy Class seat. |
33 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 33 K is a standard Economy Class seat. |
34 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 34 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
34 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 34 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
34 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 34 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
34 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 34 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
34 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 34 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
34 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 34 G is a standard Economy Class seat. |
34 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 34 H is a standard Economy Class seat. |
34 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 34 J is a standard Economy Class seat. |
34 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 34 K is a standard Economy Class seat. |
35 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 35 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
35 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 35 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
35 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 35 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
35 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 35 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
35 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 35 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
35 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 35 G is a standard Economy Class seat. |
35 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 35 H is a standard Economy Class seat. |
35 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 35 J is a standard Economy Class seat. |
35 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 35 K is a standard Economy Class seat. |
36 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 36 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
36 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 36 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
36 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 36 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
36 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 36 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
36 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 36 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
36 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 36 G is a standard Economy Class seat. |
36 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 36 H is a standard Economy Class seat. |
36 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 36 J is a standard Economy Class seat. |
36 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 36 K is a standard Economy Class seat. |
37 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 37 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
37 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 37 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
37 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 37 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
37 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 37 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
37 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 37 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
37 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 37 G is a standard Economy Class seat. |
37 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 37 H is a standard Economy Class seat. |
37 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 37 J is a standard Economy Class seat. |
37 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 37 K is a standard Economy Class seat. |
38 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 38 A is a standard Economy Class seat that may have limited recline. The close proximity to the lavatories and galleys may be bothersome. |
38 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 38 B is a standard Economy Class seat that may have limited recline. The close proximity to the lavatories and galleys may be bothersome. |
38 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 38 C is a standard Economy Class seat that may have limited recline. The close proximity to the lavatories and galleys may be bothersome. |
38 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 38 D is a standard Economy Class seat that may have limited recline. The close proximity to the lavatories and galleys may be bothersome. |
38 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 38 F is a standard Economy Class seat that may have limited recline. The close proximity to the lavatories and galleys may be bothersome. |
38 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 38 G is a standard Economy Class seat that may have limited recline. The close proximity to the lavatories and galleys may be bothersome. |
38 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 38 H is a standard Economy Class seat that may have limited recline. The close proximity to the lavatories and galleys may be bothersome. |
38 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 38 J is a standard Economy Class seat that may have limited recline. The close proximity to the lavatories and galleys may be bothersome. |
38 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 38 K is a standard Economy Class seat that may have limited recline. The close proximity to the lavatories and galleys may be bothersome. |
39 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 39 A is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom, however, the Exit Door protrusion may be bothersome. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
39 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 39 B is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. The proximity to the lavatories and galleys may be bothersome. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
39 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 39 C is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. The proximity to the lavatories and galleys may be bothersome. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
39 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 39 H is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. The proximity to the lavatories and galleys may be bothersome. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
39 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 39 J is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. The proximity to the lavatories and galleys may be bothersome. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
39 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 39 K is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom, however, the Exit Door protrusion may be bothersome. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
4 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 4 A is a standard Business Class seat. |
4 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 4 D is a standard Business Class seat. |
4 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 4 G is a standard Business Class seat. |
4 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 4 K is a standard Business Class seat. |
40 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 40 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
40 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 40 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
40 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 40 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
40 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 40 D is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. The proximity to the lavatories and galleys may be bothersome. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
40 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 40 F is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. The proximity to the lavatories and galleys may be bothersome. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
40 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 40 G is a standard Economy X Class seat that has additional legroom. The proximity to the lavatories and galleys may be bothersome. The tray table is in the armrest, making the armrest immovable and slightly reducing seat width. There is no floor storage for this seat during take-off and landing. |
40 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 40 H is a standard Economy Class seat. |
40 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 40 J is a standard Economy Class seat. |
40 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 40 K is a standard Economy Class seat. |
41 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 41 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
41 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 41 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
41 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 41 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
41 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 41 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
41 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 41 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
41 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 41 G is a standard Economy Class seat. |
41 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 41 H is a standard Economy Class seat. |
41 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 41 J is a standard Economy Class seat. |
41 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 41 K is a standard Economy Class seat. |
42 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 42 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
42 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 42 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
42 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 42 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
42 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 42 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
42 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 42 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
42 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 42 G is a standard Economy Class seat. |
42 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 42 H is a standard Economy Class seat. |
42 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 42 J is a standard Economy Class seat. |
42 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 42 K is a standard Economy Class seat. |
43 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 43 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
43 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 43 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
43 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 43 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
43 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 43 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
43 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 43 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
43 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 43 G is a standard Economy Class seat. |
43 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 43 H is a standard Economy Class seat. |
43 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 43 J is a standard Economy Class seat. |
43 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 43 K is a standard Economy Class seat. |
44 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 44 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
44 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 44 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
44 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 44 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
44 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 44 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
44 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 44 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
44 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 44 G is a standard Economy Class seat. |
44 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 44 H is a standard Economy Class seat. |
44 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 44 J is a standard Economy Class seat. |
44 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 44 K is a standard Economy Class seat. |
45 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 45 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
45 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 45 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
45 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 45 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
45 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 45 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
45 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 45 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
45 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 45 G is a standard Economy Class seat. |
45 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 45 H is a standard Economy Class seat. |
45 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 45 J is a standard Economy Class seat. |
45 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 45 K is a standard Economy Class seat. |
46 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 46 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
46 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 46 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
46 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 46 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
46 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 46 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
46 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 46 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
46 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 46 G is a standard Economy Class seat. |
46 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 46 H is a standard Economy Class seat. |
46 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 46 J is a standard Economy Class seat. |
46 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 46 K is a standard Economy Class seat. |
47 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 47 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
47 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 47 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
47 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 47 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
47 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 47 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
47 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 47 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
47 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 47 G is a standard Economy Class seat. |
47 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 47 H is a standard Economy Class seat. |
47 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 47 J is a standard Economy Class seat. |
47 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 47 K is a standard Economy Class seat. |
48 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 48 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
48 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 48 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
48 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 48 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
48 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 48 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
48 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 48 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
48 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 48 G is a standard Economy Class seat. |
48 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 48 H is a standard Economy Class seat. |
48 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 48 J is a standard Economy Class seat. |
48 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 48 K is a standard Economy Class seat. |
49 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 49 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
49 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 49 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
49 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 49 C is a standard Economy Class seat. |
49 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 49 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
49 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 49 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
49 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 49 G is a standard Economy Class seat. |
49 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 49 H is a standard Economy Class seat. |
49 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 49 J is a standard Economy Class seat. |
49 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 49 K is a standard Economy Class seat. |
5 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 5 A is a standard Business Class seat. |
5 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 5 D is a standard Business Class seat. |
5 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 5 G is a standard Business Class seat. |
5 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 5 K is a standard Business Class seat. |
50 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 50 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
50 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 50 B is a standard Economy Class seat. |
50 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 50 C is a standard Economy Class seat that other passengers and flight staff may bump into it since it juts into the aisle. |
50 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 50 D is a standard Economy Class seat. |
50 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 50 F is a standard Economy Class seat. |
50 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 50 G is a standard Economy Class seat. |
50 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 50 H is a standard Economy Class seat that other passengers and flight staff may bump into it since it juts into the aisle. |
50 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 50 J is a standard Economy Class seat. |
50 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 50 K is a standard Economy Class seat. |
51 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 51 A is a standard Economy Class seat. |
51 B |
None |
No Power |
Seat 51 B is a standard Economy Class seat whose proximity to the lavatory may be bothersome. |
51 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 51 D is a standard Economy Class seat in the last row of the plane that may have limited recline. The close proximity to the lavatory may be bothersome. |
51 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 51 F is a standard Economy Class seat in the last row of the plane that may have limited recline. The close proximity to the lavatory may be bothersome. |
51 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 51 G is a standard Economy Class seat in the last row of the plane that may have limited recline. The close proximity to the lavatory may be bothersome. |
51 J |
None |
No Power |
Seat 51 J is a standard Economy Class seat whose proximity to the lavatory may be bothersome. |
51 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 51 K is a standard Economy Class seat. |
52 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 52 A is a standard Economy Class seat positioned in the last row of the aircraft cabin. Seat back recline might be limited due to the wall directly behind. Also, if the seat back in front is reclined, then personal space will be reduced. The proximity to the galley and lavatory area might be bothersome. |
52 C |
None |
No Power |
Seat 52 C is a standard Economy Class seat positioned in the last row of the aircraft cabin. Seat back recline might be limited due to the wall directly behind. Also, if the seat back in front is reclined, then personal space will be reduced. The proximity to the galley and lavatory area might be bothersome. |
52 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 52 D is a standard Economy Class seat positioned in the last row of the aircraft cabin. Seat back recline might be limited due to the wall directly behind. Also, if the seat back in front is reclined, then personal space will be reduced. The proximity to the galley and lavatory area might be bothersome. |
52 F |
None |
No Power |
Seat 52 F is a standard Economy Class seat positioned in the last row of the aircraft cabin. Seat back recline might be limited due to the wall directly behind. Also, if the seat back in front is reclined, then personal space will be reduced. The proximity to the galley and lavatory area might be bothersome. |
52 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 52 G is a standard Economy Class seat positioned in the last row of the aircraft cabin. Seat back recline might be limited due to the wall directly behind. Also, if the seat back in front is reclined, then personal space will be reduced. The proximity to the galley and lavatory area might be bothersome. |
52 H |
None |
No Power |
Seat 52 H is a standard Economy Class seat positioned in the last row of the aircraft cabin. Seat back recline might be limited due to the wall directly behind. Also, if the seat back in front is reclined, then personal space will be reduced. The proximity to the galley and lavatory area might be bothersome. |
52 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 52 K is a standard Economy Class seat positioned in the last row of the aircraft cabin. Seat back recline might be limited due to the wall directly behind. Also, if the seat back in front is reclined, then personal space will be reduced. The proximity to the galley and lavatory area might be bothersome. |
6 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 6 A is a standard Business Class seat. |
6 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 6 D is a standard Business Class seat however, the proximity to the lavatory and bar may be bothersome. |
6 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 6 G is a standard Business Class seat however, the proximity to the lavatory and bar may be bothersome. |
6 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 6 K is a standard Business Class seat however, the proximity to the lavatory and bar may be bothersome. |
7 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 7 A is a standard Business Class seat however, the proximity to the lavatory and bar may be bothersome. |
8 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 8 A is a standard Business Class seat that has extra legroom due to the exit in front however, the proximity to the lavatory and bar may be bothersome. |
8 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 8 D is a standard Business Class seat that has extra legroom due to the exit in front however, the proximity to the lavatory and bar may be bothersome. |
8 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 8 G is a standard Business Class seat that has extra legroom due to the exit in front however, the proximity to the lavatory and bar may be bothersome. |
8 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 8 K is a standard Business Class seat that has extra legroom due to the exit in front however, the proximity to the lavatory and bar may be bothersome. |
9 A |
None |
No Power |
Seat 9 A is a standard Business Class seat whose proximity to the bar may be bothersome. |
9 D |
None |
No Power |
Seat 9 D is a standard Business Class seat. |
9 G |
None |
No Power |
Seat 9 G is a standard Business Class seat. |
9 K |
None |
No Power |
Seat 9 K is a standard Business Class seat. |
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